- birdepy.forecast(model, z0, times, param, cov=None, interval='confidence', method=None, percentiles=(0, 2.5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 97.5, 100), labels=('$95\\%$', '$80\\%$', '$50\\%$'), p_bounds=None, con=(), known_p=(), idx_known_p=(), k=1000, n=1000, seed=None, colormap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, xlabel='t', ylabel='default', xticks='default', rotation=45, display=False, export=False, **options)
Simulation based forecasting for continuous-time birth-and-death processes. Produces a plot of the likely range of mean population sizes subject to parameter uncertainty (confidence intervals) or the likely range of population sizes subject to parameter uncertainty and model stochasticity (prediction intervals).
- Parameters:
model (string, optional) –
Model specifying birth and death rates of process (see here). Should be one of:
’Verhulst’ (default)
If set to ‘custom’, then kwargs b_rate and d_rate must also be specified. See here for more information.
z0 (int or callable) –
The population for each sample path at the time of the first element of the argument of times. If it is a callable it should be a function that has no arguments and returns an int:
z0() -> int
times (array_like) – Times to provide a forecast for.
param (array_like) – The parameters governing the evolution of the birth-and-death process to be forecast. Array of real elements of size (m,), where ‘m’ is the number of parameters. When cov is provided this is taken to be a mean value.
cov (array_like, optional) – The parameters are assumed to follow a truncated normal distribution with this covariance. If this is specified, then p_bounds should also be specified to avoid unwanted parameters.
interval (string, optional) – Type of forecast. Should be one of ‘confidence’ (default) or ‘prediction’. Confidence intervals show the likely range of mean future population values, reflecting parameter uncertainty. Prediction interals show the likely range of future population values, incorporating parameter uncertainty and model stochasticity.
method (string, optional) –
Method used to generate samples. For confidence intervals samples are trajectories of future expected values. For prediction intervals samples are trajectories of future population values. Should be one of:
’fm’ (default for confidence intervals)
’gwa’ (default for prediction intervals)
percentiles (list, optional) – List of percentiles to split the data into.
labels (list, optional) – List of strings containing labels for each percentile split.
p_bounds (list) – Bounds on parameters. Should be specified as a sequence of
(min, max)
pairs for each unknown parameter. See here.con ({Constraint, dict} or List of {Constraint, dict}, optional) – Constraints definition for parameters. See here for more information.
known_p (array_like, optional) – List of known parameter values. For built in models these must be in their canonical order as given (here). If this argument is given, then argument idx_known_p must also be specified. See here for more information.
idx_known_p (array_like, optional) – List of indices of known parameters (as given in argument ‘known_p’). For built in models indices must correspond to canonical order as given here. If this argument is given, then argument known_p must also be specified. See here for more information.
k (int, optional) – Number of samples used to generate forecast. For confidence intervals each sample corresponds to an estimate of the mean for a sampled parameter value. For prediction intervals each sample corresponds to a trajectory of population size for a sampled parameter value.
n (int, optional) – Number of samples used to estimate each sample of a mean for confidence interval samples. Only applicable when method is ‘exact’, ‘ea’, ‘ma’ or ‘gwa’.
seed (int, Generator, optional) – If seed is not specified the random numbers are generated according to np.random.default_rng(). If seed is an int, random numbers are generated according to np.random.default_rng(seed). If seed is a Generator, then that object is used. See here for more information.
colormap (matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap, optional) – Colors used for plot.
xlabel (str, optional) – Label for x axis of plot.
ylabel (str, optional) – Label for y axis of plot.
xticks (array_like, optional) – Locations of x ticks.
rotation (int, optional) – Rotation of x tick labels.
display (bool, optional) – If True, then progress updates are provided.
export (str, optional) – File name for export of the figure to a tex file.
First simulate some sample paths using : :birdepy.simulate.discrete():
import birdepy as bd t_data = list(range(101)) p_data = bd.simulate.discrete([0.75, 0.25, 0.02, 1], 'Ricker', 10, t_data, survival=True, seed=2021)
Then, using the simulated data, estimate the parameters:
est = bd.estimate(t_data, p_data, [0.5, 0.5, 0.05], [[0,1], [0,1], [0, 0.1]], model='Ricker', idx_known_p=[3], known_p=[1])
Then, use the estimated parameters and covariances to generate a forecast:
future_t = list(range(101,151,1)) bd.forecast('Ricker', p_data[-1], future_t, est.p, cov=est.cov, p_bounds=[[0,1], [0,1], [0, 0.1]], idx_known_p=[3], known_p=[1], interval='prediction')
This function creates a plot but does not return anything.
For a text book treatment on the theory of birth-and-death processes see [2].
If model is ‘Poisson’, then the true dnm is immediately returned (i.e., the total number of events during the observation periods divided by the total observation time).
See also